




拍卖时间:2019-09-28 上午12:00(当地时间)

拍卖地点:新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店—会展中心 4楼/茉莉展厅



简介:Tiger is the king of beasts,has been worshipped by the Han people,is a symbol of justice,courage and majesty.Since the Han Dynasty,the tiger has been a favorite protector of the working people.After a long history of evolution and development,the cultural consciousness of worshipping the tiger has become the common cultural concept of the Chinese nation.Chinese painting Zhonghu is also a very important subject matter,looking at Chinese painting,a number of famous masters focus on painting tiger,China’s tiger culture development.There are a lot of tiger works in today’s word and painting auction market.The Chinese painting of tiger is so respected that it sees the status of tiger in Chinese people.There are tigers in the picture.The painting is long or young,or standing or lying,or majestic or simple,bright eyes,a hundred kinds of expression,different shapes,very vivid.Gently shake the picture roll,hair seems to swing with the wind,majestic,lifelike.Incisively and vividly show the king of the tiger domineering and strength,its meticulous painting power can be seen.The picture is complicated and dense,the tiger image is lifelike and appropriate.The collection is of high quality,elegant color,simple and noble,dignified atmosphere,good appearance and strong observability.The author draws the tiger,the fine place is very fine,the hair appears;the thick place pen and ink is concise,often several strokes.The tiger’s head is often painted in detail,and the body and background are often painted in freehand brushwork.The tiger can draw very accurately.As the saying goes,“it’s hard to paint a tiger,” but this painting can be accurately painted under various postures of the tiger bone state.In addition to the shape of the accurate,the author can pay special attention to draw the tiger in various states of charm.Therefore,looking at his tiger map makes people feel a sense of reality on the spot.The whole painting is delicate and delicate,and the tiger is vivid,vividly depicting the spirit and charm of the tiger.The beautiful and magnificent hairy lines,majestic and vigorous posture,give people grandeur and strength.Or Teng or lie,or chase or jump,each with a look,anger,contemplation,love,sadness,struggle,potential to swallow clowns,leaders majesty,shaking mountains to shake mountains,wind and cloud discoloration,mountains and wild,leisurely,in short,is a very artistic work,is a good collection of investment works.The spirit of shaking mountains and shaking mountains,discoloration of wind and clouds,leisurely and leisurely of the hermit,in short,is a very artistic work,is a good work of investment collection.




预展时间:2019年9月28日 上午12:00-下午18:00(当地时间)

预展地点:新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店—会展中心 4楼/茉莉展厅

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