拍卖时间:2019-09-28 上午12:00(当地时间)
拍卖地点:新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店—会展中心 4楼/茉莉展厅
简介:Zhao zhiqian(1829-1884)is undoubtedly one of the most important artists in the art history of the late qing dynasty.In painting,he was a pioneer of the “sea painting school”.His “touchstone painting style” created by books and printing in painting had a great impact on the development of modern freehand flowers.In calligraphy,he was the most powerful practitioner of the theory of tablet tablet study in the qing dynasty.With the formation of the style of tablet tablet writing in wei dynasty,the technique system of tablet tablet school was further improved,thus becoming the first model of comprehensive study of tablet tablet in the qing dynasty.In the seal cutting,he widely based on the predecessors,through comprehensive study,with the means of “outside the seal for printing” creatively inherited deng shiru “from the book” creation mode,opened up an unprecedented new environment.
预展时间:2019年9月28日 上午12:00-下午18:00(当地时间)
预展地点:新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店—会展中心 4楼/茉莉展厅