拍卖时间:2019-10-05 下午2:00(美国西部时间)
拍卖地点:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91732 USA
简介:Each well-potted with an ovoid body rising from a short splayed foot to a tall waisted neck and flaring rim, the neck flanked by a pair of moulded peach branch handles, the exterior of the body enamelled with a continuous scene, depicting young children dressed as officials, playing music from drums, cymbals and horns. The base inscribed with six character Qianlong mark. Qing Dynasty period.
此瓶撇口,长颈,斜溜肩,鼓腹,足外撇。通体施松石绿釉为地,浮雕双寿桃耳,瓶外口沿绘“灵芝如意纹”,瓶颈以黄釉地绘“西番莲纹”,瓶颈下部绘双层“蕉叶纹”、“回纹”。腹部绘“婴戏图”。人物面庞圆润喜悦,神情稚拙可爱。整器尊贵秀美,装饰雍容华丽,画艺细腻流畅,主题吉利祥瑞,寓意连生贵子,亦有祈福求安之意。 “大清乾隆年制”款识。
拍卖会:格古汇臻 - 2019秋季重要亚洲古董精品拍卖会
拍卖专场:格古汇臻 - 2019秋季重要亚洲古董精品专场
预展时间:2019年9月27日-10月4日 上午10:00-下午5:00(美国西部时间)
预展地点:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91732 USA
拍卖时间:2019-10-05 下午2:00(美国西部时间)
拍卖地点:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91732 USA
简介:Each well-potted with an ovoid body rising from a short splayed foot to a tall waisted neck and flaring rim, the neck flanked by a pair of moulded peach branch handles, the exterior of the body enamelled with a continuous scene, depicting young children dressed as officials, playing music from drums, cymbals and horns. The base inscribed with six character Qianlong mark. Qing Dynasty period.
此瓶撇口,长颈,斜溜肩,鼓腹,足外撇。通体施松石绿釉为地,浮雕双寿桃耳,瓶外口沿绘“灵芝如意纹”,瓶颈以黄釉地绘“西番莲纹”,瓶颈下部绘双层“蕉叶纹”、“回纹”。腹部绘“婴戏图”。人物面庞圆润喜悦,神情稚拙可爱。整器尊贵秀美,装饰雍容华丽,画艺细腻流畅,主题吉利祥瑞,寓意连生贵子,亦有祈福求安之意。 “大清乾隆年制”款识。
拍卖会:格古汇臻 - 2019秋季重要亚洲古董精品拍卖会
拍卖专场:格古汇臻 - 2019秋季重要亚洲古董精品专场
预展时间:2019年9月27日-10月4日 上午10:00-下午5:00(美国西部时间)
预展地点:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91732 USA
拍卖时间:2019-10-05 下午2:00(美国西部时间)
拍卖地点:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91732 USA
简介:Each well-potted with an ovoid body rising from a short splayed foot to a tall waisted neck and flaring rim, the neck flanked by a pair of moulded peach branch handles, the exterior of the body enamelled with a continuous scene, depicting young children dressed as officials, playing music from drums, cymbals and horns. The base inscribed with six character Qianlong mark. Qing Dynasty period.
此瓶撇口,长颈,斜溜肩,鼓腹,足外撇。通体施松石绿釉为地,浮雕双寿桃耳,瓶外口沿绘“灵芝如意纹”,瓶颈以黄釉地绘“西番莲纹”,瓶颈下部绘双层“蕉叶纹”、“回纹”。腹部绘“婴戏图”。人物面庞圆润喜悦,神情稚拙可爱。整器尊贵秀美,装饰雍容华丽,画艺细腻流畅,主题吉利祥瑞,寓意连生贵子,亦有祈福求安之意。 “大清乾隆年制”款识。
拍卖会:格古汇臻 - 2019秋季重要亚洲古董精品拍卖会
拍卖专场:格古汇臻 - 2019秋季重要亚洲古董精品专场
预展时间:2019年9月27日-10月4日 上午10:00-下午5:00(美国西部时间)
预展地点:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91732 USA
拍卖时间:2019-10-05 下午2:00(美国西部时间)
拍卖地点:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91732 USA
简介:Each well-potted with an ovoid body rising from a short splayed foot to a tall waisted neck and flaring rim, the neck flanked by a pair of moulded peach branch handles, the exterior of the body enamelled with a continuous scene, depicting young children dressed as officials, playing music from drums, cymbals and horns. The base inscribed with six character Qianlong mark. Qing Dynasty period.
此瓶撇口,长颈,斜溜肩,鼓腹,足外撇。通体施松石绿釉为地,浮雕双寿桃耳,瓶外口沿绘“灵芝如意纹”,瓶颈以黄釉地绘“西番莲纹”,瓶颈下部绘双层“蕉叶纹”、“回纹”。腹部绘“婴戏图”。人物面庞圆润喜悦,神情稚拙可爱。整器尊贵秀美,装饰雍容华丽,画艺细腻流畅,主题吉利祥瑞,寓意连生贵子,亦有祈福求安之意。 “大清乾隆年制”款识。
拍卖会:格古汇臻 - 2019秋季重要亚洲古董精品拍卖会
拍卖专场:格古汇臻 - 2019秋季重要亚洲古董精品专场
预展时间:2019年9月27日-10月4日 上午10:00-下午5:00(美国西部时间)
预展地点:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91732 USA