
Robert Macaulay Stevenson Watercolour Painting the Late of 19th Century in Europe拍卖记录_拍卖价格




拍卖时间:2019-10-05 下午6:00

拍卖地点:2805 Bathurst St, Toronto, Ontario Canada M6B 3A4


 Robert Macaulay Stevenson Watercolour Painting the Late of 19th Century in Europe

简介:Robert Macaulay Stevenson 19世纪末著名欧洲“格拉斯哥男孩团体”成员之一,水彩自然风光

来源:加拿大资深犹太人收藏家Mr.Michael Robert Macaulay Stevenson (1854 – 1952) was a Scottish painter associated with the Glasgow Boys. Robert Macaulay Stevenson was born in Glasgow in 1854. He was one of four sons and three girls born to Jesse Macaulay and John Stevenson, an engineer. His brother Sir Daniel Macaulay Stevenson was a Liberal politician, Lord Provost of Glasgow and Chancellor of the University of Glasgow.Stevenson initially studied engineering however later changed to study art at the Glasgow School of Design. He was influenced by the French style of painting in particular the work of the Barbizon school and especially by the French portrait and landscape painter Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.He worked from studios in Glasgow, at Montreuil-sur-Mer in France, at Kirkcudbright, and at Bardowie Loch, near Milngavie.
In 1890 Stevenson married Jean Shields. She died giving birth to their daughter Jean Macaulay Stevenson. On 30 April 1902 Stevenson married the Scottish artist Stansmore Dean.
Stevenson died in 1952. 格拉斯哥男孩团体是19世纪末20世纪初典型的英国艺术团体,由大约20多位画家组成,诞生于苏格兰工业区。这是个自然主义文化艺术团体,他们摒弃了绘画的高低贵贱之分,以及维多利亚时代的官方趣味要求的非个人化表达,这种非个人化的艺术由于爱丁堡的苏格兰皇家艺术学院的教学推动而传入苏格兰。画家们以表现乡间生活与工作为主,细致地将人物和动物表现出来,他们主要专注于描绘大自然恒久的状态,而不是瞬间的变化,把空间压缩到两三个层次,且大多以棕色色调为主。这一点和印象派截然相反。19世纪后期这个“格拉斯哥男孩”自然艺术团体和巴黎的印象派,维也纳的分离派等共同推动了欧洲风起云涌且日后影响世界的新艺术文化运动。
格拉斯哥男孩(Glasgow Boys) 代表人物是:William York Macgregor,John Lavery,George Henry,James Guthrie。




预展时间:2019年9月1日-10月5日 上午11:30-下午6:00(EDT 北美东部时间)

预展地点:2805 Bathurst St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6B 3A4

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