拍卖时间:2019-10-05 下午2:00(美国西部时间)
拍卖地点:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91732 USA
简介:The flattened shield form body coated with layer of red lacquer, richly decorated in carnelian, mother-of-pearl, soapstone, pearl, gold, and lacquer with a graceful lady chanting poems in front of massive painted screen, set in a fenced garden terrace on one side, the reverse with numerous even-sized pearls forming a stylized shou character, each of the narrow shoulders with a panel of prunus blossoms, the base inscribed in red lacquer with four character Qianlong mark. Qing Dynasty period.
清代漆制烟壶极为少见,大多为黑漆嵌螺钿为之,此烟壶通体修红漆为地,上嵌百宝并漆画,侧面黑地绘红网纹。正面一面为仕女图,一面为珍珠嵌寿字。嵌料为大小各异的珍珠、象牙,寿山石,螺钿,玛瑙,翡翠,玉等,嵌工精细非常,人物眉目栩栩如生。整器造型独特,工艺繁复,品相完好,诚为罕见。 来源:纽约苏富比 1997年 Lot 243
拍卖会:格古汇臻 - 2019秋季重要亚洲古董精品拍卖会
拍卖专场:格古汇臻 - 2019秋季重要亚洲古董精品专场
预展时间:2019年9月27日-10月4日 上午10:00-下午5:00(美国西部时间)
预展地点:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91732 USA