Chinese School,19th Century The Praya Grande,Macao oil on canvas 拍卖记录_拍卖价格
拍品Chinese School,19th Century The Praya Grande,Macao oil on canvas 是伦敦佳士得于2019-11-07 上午10:30举行的2019年11月拍卖会当中的拍品,本站提供Chi...
拍品Chinese School,19th Century The Praya Grande,Macao oil on canvas 是伦敦佳士得于2019-11-07 上午10:30举行的2019年11月拍卖会当中的拍品,本站提供Chi...
拍品 Chinese Flowers – four studies watercolour and bodycolour heightened with gum arabic on paper 是伦敦佳士得于2019-11-07 上午10...
拍品 Chinese types,costumes and deities – fourteen studies watercolour and bodycolour with gold paint on paper 是伦敦佳士得于201...
拍品 The Waterfront at Canton with the European Factories and the Protestant Church,a flowerboat,junks,sampans and the Ame...
拍品 A Hong Merchant’s boat bodycolour and gold paint on paper 是伦敦佳士得于2019-11-07 上午10:30举行的2019年11月拍卖会当中的拍品,本站提供 A Hong M...
拍品 A Canton Tea Warehouse with Western Merchants buying tea bodycolour on paper 是伦敦佳士得于2019-11-07 上午10:30举行的2019年11月拍卖会...
拍品Chinese School,circa 1820 Silk production – a set of twelve bodycolour and gold paint on silk laid down on paper 是伦敦佳...
拍品 The Waterfront at Canton with the Western Factories pencil,pen and ink on paper 是伦敦佳士得于2019-11-07 上午10:30举行的2019年11月...
拍品Chinese School,circa 1840 The Waterfront at Honam pen and ink and black wash heightened with scratching out on paper l...
拍品Chinese School,circa 1816-1820 The waterfront at Canton with the Danish,Spanish,American,Swedish,British and Dutch fac...