Painted in 1978 Jack Nicklaus [Six Works] acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas,in six parts 拍卖记录_拍卖价格
拍品Painted in 1978 Jack Nicklaus [Six Works] acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas,in six parts 是纽约佳士得于2019-11-14 上午10:00...
拍品Painted in 1978 Jack Nicklaus [Six Works] acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas,in six parts 是纽约佳士得于2019-11-14 上午10:00...
拍品Executed in 1988 12 Days of Christmas gouache and India ink on paper,in twelve parts 是纽约佳士得于2019-11-14 上午10:00举行的2019...
拍品Executed in 1969-1970 Sculpture in the Form of a Trowel Stuck in the Ground – Model lacquer on wood,in two parts 是纽约佳...
拍品Executed in 1969 Study for Red Barn II colored pencil and graphite on paper 是纽约佳士得于2019-11-14 上午10:00举行的2019年11月拍卖会当中...
拍品Painted in 1988 At the Speed of Light oil on shaped canvas mounted on panel 是纽约佳士得于2019-11-14 上午10:00举行的2019年11月拍卖会当中...
拍品Painted in 1977 Willie Shoemaker acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas 是纽约佳士得于2019-11-14 上午10:00举行的2019年11月拍卖会当中的拍品,本站...
拍品Painted in 1962 Bolton Landing:Singing the Blues acrylic on canvas 是纽约佳士得于2019-11-14 上午10:00举行的2019年11月拍卖会当中的拍品,本站提供P...
拍品Executed in 1956 Little Black hanging mobile—sheet metal,wire and paint 是纽约佳士得于2019-11-14 上午10:00举行的2019年11月拍卖会当中的拍品,...
拍品Executed in 1985 Drawing for Chinese Cityscape gouache on paper 是纽约佳士得于2019-11-14 上午10:00举行的2019年11月拍卖会当中的拍品,本站提供Exec...
拍品Executed circa 1947 Untitled hanging mobile—sheet metal,wire and paint 是纽约佳士得于2019-11-14 上午10:00举行的2019年11月拍卖会当中的拍品,本...